Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Playroom Before & After

Not even a year ago, our son, Stephen, and his wife, Candace, moved into a home in a lovely neighborhood with big trees and lots of children. Besides the location, the house has a well-loved yard and a huge added-on family room with windows on three sides.

Since the move, they have had a second child.
                                                        (PopPop and Jack)
Yet, in spite of their busyness, they have already made most of the rooms in the house their own. On weekends they have painted, hung drapes, and added accessories.

Currently, they are in the middle of an exterior redo. So far, they have added a front portico. But next month, they will be painting, changing exterior lighting, and hanging window boxes. (I am waiting for the finished product before I post that big blog reveal.)

Just this past weekend, my husband and I worked with them on redoing the playroom. Because they have been so busy on the rest of the house and with their children, this room was just a place to keep toys out of the other rooms.

However, with preschool finished for the summer, Candace wanted to make this room more enjoyable for Caroline.

In less than twenty-four hours of grandparent-heaven,

the playroom looked like this:

Thank you, Stephen and Candace, for giving us the biggest gift--the privilege of loving and helping you!
(For those of you who missed the last post, it covered choosing paint colors and making bench seats  for under the play-table.)


  1. Thank you Marcia! It looks great. When Caroline got up this morning she normally sits in the kitchen with Daddy. This morning she went straight to her activity table to work on puzzles. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  2. It looks wonderful. Thank you for all your help. This morning it was the first place Caroline went when she got up and we had to drag her away from it to get her to eat breakfast. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  3. The playroom looks so cute! What a fun place for Caroline and Jack to play! I wish I could have been there in person to see the transformation first hand. AND to play with my adorable niece and nephew!

  4. Ohhhh those are some lucky (and very cute might I add) grandchildren.

  5. How lucky you all are! I know you got a kick out of helping the kids, and I'm sure they are very grateful to have the help. The playroom finished up so nice too. It's hard to decorate with neon plastic!!
    Have a great week!
