Monday, August 2, 2010

Redesigning the Interior

Inspiring winsome homes and hearts is the tag line of this blog.  I have been thinking about this purpose, and how I can better fill both sides of the equation. To balance my blog, I need to get some feedback on which topics might interest readers.

Please respond.
I would like to read posts on:
a.  meeting God at the "wailing walls" of life, 
(credit:  James L Stanfield, National
credit: Lori Gibson

b.  struggles and successes with life-coached disciplines,

c.  Programs supporting justice and education for women around the world,

c.  making home a haven,

d.  input for a thankful heart

e.  all of the above
f.  specify the combination you'd like.
g.  suggest another topic

Followers, thank you so much for your on-going interest. For those who have left comments for me on Facebook or have spoken to me in person, you are a real encouragement.  Because I want to write about subjects that interest you,  please leave a comment.  Maybe you have a favorite post from the thirty-some I have written in the last few months; please mention it, so I know what is resonating!  Thanks again.


  1. I would like to hear what is on your mind and heart. If God is meeting you at a wailing wall then I would love that. If you are excited about a new design in your home...I'll be thrilled to read about it. What I am looking for is a sharing from your heart. What is God doing in you? What are you learning and willing to share.

    I am so glad we met. You are a warm and lovely person. I know that if you share yourself, your readers will be happy to return and spread the word.

    So...all of that to say E...

    Becky K.

  2. HI, Maurie, Becky said it all very well. I have found that bloggers have to find what they are passionate about & share from the heart & people will come and read. You may get more comments on a decorating post, but they may very well enjoy all the others too. That's what I would suggest most. Write what you are most passionate about & it will be received well.

  3. Hey Maurie,
    Thanks for stopping by Glad Chatter and welcome to bloggy world! I echo these women share your passion from your heart and you can't go wrong. Sounds like any and all of these topics would fit right in here. Let God lead you and don't limit your material to just one topic, we are women afterall and reserve the right to change our minds, right?

  4. The two that resonate with me are: making home a haven and input for a thankful heart. I always enjoy reading your posts so keep them coming.

  5. I think because of how I'm feeling today, "making home a haven" and "struggles and successes with life coached disciplines" .... it's the start of a new school year. :)
